ID Numbers


Номера ID

API Documentation


Документация по API

Base URL:
Request Method: GET

[username] - Your Autofications username.
[key] - Your Autofications API key.
[website] - Website ID for verification (all ID's are listed in the left column on this page).
[phone_number] - The phone number (only used when requesting code).
[country] - Country ID for verification (all ID's are listed in the left column on this page).


Generate Phone Number
Request: action=generate&username=[username]&key=[key]&website=[website]&country=[country]
Request Example: action=generate&username=myusername123&key=824a9733aa3cd41b7667&website=1&country=UK
Response Example: 447107315173

Read SMS
Request: action=read&username=[username]&key=[key]&website=[website]&country=[country]&phone_number=[phone_number]
Request Example: action=read&username=myusername123&key=824a9733aa3cd41b7667&website=1&country=UK&phone_number=447107315173
Response Example: G-885839 is your Google verification code.

Blacklist Number
Request: action=blacklist&username=[username]&key=[key]&website=[website]&country=[country]&phone_number=[phone_number]
Request Example: action=blacklist&username=myusername123&key=824a9733aa3cd41b7667&website=1&country=UK&phone_number=447107315173
Response Example: Success

Check Balance
Request: action=balance&username=[username]&key=[key]
Request Example: action=balance&username=myusername123&key=824a9733aa3cd41b7667
Response Example: 1234.00

Error Messages:
Balance_error - You do not have enough balance for the verification. Please deposit.
Request_limited - You are requesting the received SMS too quickly. Please only request the SMS once every 20 seconds.
Not_received - We have not yet received the SMS to this number.
Website_error - This website ID is not supported.
Number_error - This phone number is not associated with your request.
Number_zero - There are currently no numbers available for this website.

Please only request a code once every 20 seconds or your API access might get blocked.